I helped a customer who was running a bar to make a neon sign recently. Likes lots of other customers, I didn't pay too much attention to him. I mean just like a normal service. Talk about the size and font stylish and so on. And He asked me a question then.

Have you ever been a bar with no sign?

No, not so much happens, right? I asked him back

Lots, if you don't count the "bingo sign", he said. When I was a kid every Catholic Church in town had a bar in the basement. It wasn't unusual to follow mass with a "church social" brunch. A good move on their past, because when nearly any new community established, it was at the intersection of two-well traveled county trunks. Invariably, one corner had a filling station, the other a church, and the other two had taverns. It wasn't unusual to see people filling out of church heading straight across the street.

You mean people driving cars to the station?

No...not the filling station. Well, sort of like, he sent me an image

I laugh and said it's impossible to see any bar near the temples in China.

Well, since then I decided to open a bar when I grew up because I found people with a smiling face when they walk out of the taverns compared to Church. He said so.

Good luck, people's bar

九月 09, 2020 — YuJack

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